Are you ready??? On Saturday August 28th, we will be hosting a massive meetup of incredible athletes, calisthenics enthusiasts, curious cats and anyone who wants to come out for a great time at the bars!
We will have friendly competitions for max pull ups, max front lever holds, craziest freestyle combo of the day and more! Invite your friends, invite your family, bring your kids or your dogs and let's learn from each other, push one another and rep out together.
Keep in mind that we still have some restrictions due to COVID-19 so please:
- Refrain from attending if you've travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days
- Don't attend if you're sick
- Be kind to one another
Thank you! These meet ups have been a great way to get the whole calisthenics community together! From veteran athletes to calisthenics enthusiasts and very beginners, this is where you meet, learn and connect with like minded people!